Benchmarks [noun]

Definition of Benchmarks:

reference point

Synonyms of Benchmarks:

Opposite/Antonyms of Benchmarks:


Sentence/Example of Benchmarks:

Hong Kong’s benchmark index even rose 3% as investors piled back in.

Its share performance has easily eclipsed the benchmark S&P 500, which has roughly tripled in value during the past nine years.

In benchmark tests Primer has published, its system has outperformed similar software created by Google and Facebook.

The district also released a set of benchmarks that must be met before it will physically reopen.

We have a couple of ways to track overall brand performance, you can use these to help benchmark efforts over time.

Studying how your competitors to benchmark on these important search factors can reveal valuable tactical insights that help you direct your team’s SEO efforts towards the most impactful work possible and deliver faster-ranking improvements.

After that, they can set some benchmarks for themselves for change that make sense for the company, Cooper said.

The price of Brent crude, the international benchmark, has been stuck around $40 per barrel for about a month now.

The team openly shared details of their work in such a way that other researchers and companies could recreate the technology, saying they wanted it to serve as a benchmark in the field.

Microsoft claims it’s the fifth most powerful machine in the world, compared with the TOP 500, a project that benchmarks and details the 500 top-performing supercomputers.