Bignesses [noun]

Definition of Bignesses:


Synonyms of Bignesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Bignesses:

Sentence/Example of Bignesses:

When he saw it and noted its bigness, he gave Alaeddin ten diners, which he took, and the Jew went his way.

"It isn't the bigness, dear; its the variety," replied the girl.

For, as natural philosophers, there is no bigness or littleness to you.

I say you're a fool and need a guardian—and from now on I'm going to make my bigness aboard here!

It would be only a manly thing for him to think this out, and save her from the results of her own blessed bigness of heart.

I know—and it will bear repeating—no other profession that holds so much of bigness and of fullness of life generally.

There is an appeal in Napoleon to something deeper and more fundamental in human nature than mere astonishment at bigness.

Some boys, awake with the bigness of the occasion, sat down near Johnny Appleseed, and gave him their frank attention.

His sharp teeth and snappish ways, and the bigness of his appearance when the fins are all displayed, keep the little fishes away.

This was the fringe of Bigness's own sanctuary, and now Bibbs reached the roaring holy of holies itself.