Blinded [adjective]

Definition of Blinded:


Synonyms of Blinded:

Opposite/Antonyms of Blinded:

Sentence/Example of Blinded:

There was even one case where a blind man sued 50 colleges due to screen reader issues with the websites’ pages.

The band’s powerful rise, combined with their close relationships in the tightknit Nashville community and Music Row’s tendency to turn a blind eye to unpleasant issues, helped shield them from criticism of their problematic name.

Ever hopeful, astrologist Elle heads to a blind date, feeling the anticipation “like glitter rushing through her veins.”

In a double-blind study, the scientists gave 36 volunteers psilocybin in one session and a placebo during the next—or vice versa.

The FDA has also set forth a requirement for five severe cases of the disease in the placebo group, but Jansen said that to preserve the integrity of the trial, Pfizer’s scientists remain blind to the details of the cases at this time.

They are comfortable blinding their own eyes for the sake of their personal peace.

The trial is a double-blind study which means neither the subject nor the doctor administering the injection know if it’s the vaccine or a placebo.

These mental blind spots impact all areas of our life, from health to politics to even shopping.

The expansion in India, where the company initially plans to take on around a dozen journalists, is “not just about trying to build blind global scale,” according to Broughton.

On balance I’d rather have a lot of votes locked in than not, but we’re flying pretty blind here.