Blunderingly [adverb]

Definition of Blunderingly:


Opposite/Antonyms of Blunderingly:

Sentence/Example of Blunderingly:

Helen had a limited amount of pride in Ruths success on this occasion for, as she said, she had blunderingly sicked Ruth on.

The hound loses the scent and brays on blunderingly till he picks it up again.

It is an artifice, blunderingly and unwittingly introduced by man into the natural order.

People talked—most of them blunderingly—of things they would not have mentioned without derision in pre-war days.

He went blunderingly down into the hollow way, and Gard stood watching him in doubt.

Richard found himself saying, as he feared rather blunderingly.

He had either wilfully and corruptly played into the hands of a powerful group of millionaires or had blunderingly done so.

Fritz had spoken to the actress about her mimicry of his wife, had probably spoken blunderingly, angrily.

For surely at no point in the war was a situation more blunderingly or more bravely handled than was that at Atlanta under Hood.

It was such an awful thing to say to the man, though the poor woman meant so blunderingly well.