Boldly [adverb]

Definition of Boldly:


Synonyms of Boldly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Boldly:

Sentence/Example of Boldly:

Another option is to go with a bold pattern in a less expensive, easier-to-install material.

His two-year tenure has been marked by bold moves that have backfired.

Parade is a bold and expressive brand that’s seeking to rewrite the American underwear story.

The company’s bold move spurred an arms race, drawing in the rest of Silicon Valley and automakers the world over.

While an all-out elimination of the filibuster may ultimately prove too bold for Democrats to pursue, there are other tactics they may take to expand their power in government.

In addition to bold, cross-border government policies that remove barriers to a low-carbon world, companies must continue to advance sustainability through innovation.

If I was feeling bold I could wander up to schmooze with these personages until I was shooed away by a PR person.

The former British Petroleum recently made a bold goal that amounts to reducing its commitment to oil and gas.

They’re trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat by rivaling the biggest tech platforms for media dollars and are making bold claims to do so.

The world is demanding that global businesses take bold action to rebuild a better, more equitable society, and to put sustainability at the heart of their operations.