Bombarded [verb]

Definition of Bombarded:

assault, attack

Synonyms of Bombarded:

Opposite/Antonyms of Bombarded:

Sentence/Example of Bombarded:

British cannonaded and bombarded the town of Charlotte at the mouth of Genesee river.

Plassenburg Castle was besieged, bombarded, taken by famine and burnt; much was burnt and torn to waste.

This town had been bombarded by the Germans early in the war.

The wall opposite presented the appearance of having been bombarded with fresh livers and baptized with sausage-meat.

The allies bombarded Odessa on April 22, taking good care, however, not to destroy English property in the city.

That portion of the city had been so thoroughly bombarded that Gortschakov could no longer hold out.

The British bombarded Canton and sunk a large fleet of Chinese war junks up the river.

Our dugout is about six miles back of the front lines but as we are in a strategic village the crossroads are heavily bombarded.

He is daily bombarded with the most diverse questions regarding the effects of the Government's fiscal policy.

The hill from which, in Cromwells time, the city was bombarded was a favourite walk among us.