Boorishly [adverb]

Definition of Boorishly:


Opposite/Antonyms of Boorishly:

Sentence/Example of Boorishly:

Or, sometimes, he would sit abstracted and moody, and answer briefly and boorishly those who interrupted him.

In the midst of which I awoke to better recollections, made a lame word of excuse, and set myself boorishly to my studies.

He could not be so boorishly insolent as to forbid the meeting, and he could not be so blind as to expect success.

She speaks to the artist; to us she is dumb, and ought to be, for we are boorishly careless of her and her teachings.

He stopped, and murmured boorishly that he was sure he was very much obliged.

I have often earnestly requested him to eat his sword rather than handle it so boorishly.

He told himself that he had behaved very boorishly in his abrupt departure from Arles.

Oswald never overtly exceeded the bounds of social propriety, nor boorishly inflicted his presence upon Esther's attention.