Buttered [verb]

Definition of Buttered:

entice, manipulate

Synonyms of Buttered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Buttered:

Sentence/Example of Buttered:

It has been remarked before, if you remember, that she knew particularly well on which side her bread was buttered.

I had buttered the towel so that it should not stick to it; it did not, but it did not stick together either.

The old woman brought in honey, fresh dates, sheep's milk and a buttered roll of meal.

Place a piece of buttered paper over the dish, and bake in a moderate oven till it is tender, basting it frequently.

Cover with buttered paper and simmer as gently as possible till it is done enough.

Put a well-hung pheasant in a buttered stewpan with three ounces of good beef dripping and six ounces of ham cut into dice.

Put a piece of well-buttered toast one-third of an inch thick to catch the trails.

When you have unmade your toilet you may touch that bell, and you will be nicely buttered and salted for the iron.

He could break away from you more easily, no doubt, but a man knew better than a horse on which side his bread was buttered!

She's found out which way her bread was buttered, and means to come the doubles over Jack; but not quite so easy done, my girl.