Cabalistic [adjective]

Definition of Cabalistic:


Synonyms of Cabalistic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cabalistic:


Sentence/Example of Cabalistic:

She was standing quite still, staring up at the cabalistic signs beneath which she was going to pass.

This was the origin of the cabalistic art, and of more than one mysterious folly.

There is nothing either harrowing or cabalistic in the place; and you can see nothing but two forms, a screen, and a crucifix.

The cabalistic doctrine presented in this Study is that taught by this mysterious personage.

Its entire strength rested on the meaning of that cabalistic word, "conspiracy."

Kitty was a mystic,Deep from cabalistic lore many hints she drew!

The witch was all in red, with a tall peaked hat of red, covered with cabalistic designs cut from gilt paper and pasted on.

The Rosicrucians appear to have been the outcome both of this Cabalistic movement and of the teachings of Paracelsus.

Opposed thereto was the supernatural philosophy, or the theosophic, cabalistic, or mystic.

As I rose to go she took my finger and laid it upon the cabalistic signs of the "Book."