Cadenced [adjective]

Definition of Cadenced:


Synonyms of Cadenced:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cadenced:


Sentence/Example of Cadenced:

Keep the step quick, elastic, perfectly cadenced, and without any rolling of the shoulders.

The fresh morning breeze flutters gently through the tall grass, which it bends by its light and cadenced movements.

He then put his fingers in his mouth, and imitated with rare skill the soft and cadenced note of the maukawis.

Then came the lumber district, the swaying bridges where they broke their cadenced stride, and crossed at route step.

The doctor tipped his sombrero forward and laughed aloud in long, cadenced peals as he sorted his vials.

At the command attention the pieces are brought to the right shoulder and the cadenced step in quick time is resumed.

The soft clamour of the waters, when one noticed them again, seemed to have taken a new note from the menace of that cadenced cry.

Here you have in place of one mean little word a well-cadenced phrase of ten.

A grocery wagon went up the side street, the horses' hoofs making a cadenced clapping sound upon the asphalt.

The remnant of the great band of college men went down an adjacent street, raising their cadenced slogan for the last time.