Calling [noun]

Definition of Calling:

chosen profession

Synonyms of Calling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Calling:

Sentence/Example of Calling:

It quickly became the family’s top moneymaker, and Peter Carlino sensed he’d found his calling.

Here you have a guy whose calling card is consistency working for a guy whose calling card is inconsistency.

With Portal support, Zoom users will be able to host a video call with up to 25 people on the screen, while leveraging the device’s high-fidelity sound and its AI-powered Smart Camera for hands-free calling, says Facebook.

Hall "has set up terminals in areas that were burned severely to provide evacuated families with wireless calling and Internet access to file insurance claims," CNBC wrote.

After months of calling, writing, and protesting, the city’s restaurant owners finally have an outdoor dining plan

Outsiders lack adequate motives for sending the notes home; issuers lack adequate motives for calling them home.

Uncle Harry took him for walks and consoled him with rough tenderness, never calling him Black Sheep.

Do not heed the Governor-Generalʼs decree, calling you to arms, even though it cost you your lives.

The French adopt the same derivation, calling it "asbeste" (minèral filamenteux et incombustible).

You can then test yourself on the work by calling to mind whatever you have thus cemented together.