Campanile [noun]

Definition of Campanile:

tower; part of tower

Synonyms of Campanile:

Opposite/Antonyms of Campanile:


Sentence/Example of Campanile:

In the campanile of S. Alessio there are two arcades in each storey, each divided with a mid-wall shaft.

One of the most notable examples in north Italy is the campanile of Pomposa near Ferrara.

Bewildered, and not entirely willing, Bates consented and the two went back to The Campanile.

Not far off is the Tower of Ivan Veliki, which serves as a campanile for three cathedrals and has thirty-four bells.

Above the centre of the transept rose a campanile, surmounted by a very pointed timber-work spire.

The Campanile, however, the oldest tower left in the city, is strange and lovely.

The church, with its campanile tower, is most finely situated among wooded hills, and contains some beautiful workmanship.

The heavy campanile is in front, and heights of gray building frown down on each side.

Giotto may design a campanile, but he cannot carve it; he can only carve one or two of the bas-reliefs at the base of it.

The procession was led by the bands to the Iglesia, where, from the high campanile tower, the church bells were ringing.