Canned [adjective]

Definition of Canned:


Synonyms of Canned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Canned:


Sentence/Example of Canned:

Food is largely made up of canned goods and the ever-present farina, a sort of tapioca flour.

A little sugar and water heated on the stove served for syrup, and canned butter was also at hand.

Besides these regular coupés, there were many freight cars which carried all kinds of canned goods and other provisions.

The vegetables are out of cans, except the potatoes and cabbage, and the fruits are either dried or canned.

The dog-salmon is not canned, but large numbers are caught by the Japanese, who salt them for export to the Orient.

Mas lamì ang litsi priska kay sa linata, Fresh milk tastes better than canned milk.

A thirteen year old boy, living on rats and gophers and half-rotten canned food.

I recollect there was something that was like a duck, and some canned tomatoes, and a kind of fruit with a yellow rind.

It seemed almost wholly made up of canned goods, and boxes of half-Spanish cigars, and play ing-cards.

The "canned fruit" was being punched with bayonets, and the jugs smashed by gun-butts.