Cantoned [verb]

Definition of Cantoned:

stay at temporary residence

Synonyms of Cantoned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cantoned:

Sentence/Example of Cantoned:

Thus they lie cantoned; and have with despatch effectually settled their part of the problem.

It is not long ago that we had a small force cantoned there to preserve law and order in that lawless land.

When, on the contrary, the termites are already cantoned, it seems to me that the success ought to be lasting.

Some armorists call them cantoned as they form a square figure.

Nothing passes here between the armies; they are cantoned at a distance from each other.

For the rest the enemy keep close within their lines, and our troops are cantoned about the country.

Wherever it was cantoned the general would raise contributions from the constituted authorities.

The troops belonging to the defences at Washington were mostly cantoned in Fairfax, with their advance post at Centreville.

Each in its own district, the septs lived cantoned and beleaguered.

Several detachments from the Regiment were cantoned in various parts of the country, where they had but miserable accommodation.