Carpentering [verb]

Definition of Carpentering:

construct structure

Synonyms of Carpentering:

Opposite/Antonyms of Carpentering:

Sentence/Example of Carpentering:

"Edna is very much taken up with her carpentering," he went on.

Carpentering around the arena wasn't a popular job in those days.

Seriously, I have been doing nothing except a little gardening and carpentering; just manual labour to keep one sane.

Its easy to tell people how to do things, said 196 Tom; but he was clever at carpentering, and had it done in a very short time.

Don't you see that to-day I've carpentering business on hand.

I had to work—to learn book-keeping and accounts—cooking—building—carpentering—stock-raising—oh, everything.

The chairs and tables are in some cases hewn out of the solid wood, and in others the result of rough but efficient carpentering.

This man superintended the casks and cisterns; he also amused himself with carpentering.

He, thinking his mother was melting some glue for carpentering, was eager to know "what papa was going to make next?"

The aged woman had but an old knife, no proper carpentering tools, consequently the progress made was slow.