Catchpoles [noun]

Definition of Catchpoles:

server of summons

Synonyms of Catchpoles:

Opposite/Antonyms of Catchpoles:


Sentence/Example of Catchpoles:

The usual forms of the court having been gone through, Margaret Catchpole was again placed at the bar.

Thus ended the career of Margaret Catchpole in England, where her virtues will long be remembered, together with her crimes.

About a mile from Basche's seat, the catchpole found himself somewhat out of sorts.

Thinking that they might be related to the catchpole that was bastinadoed, we asked them the occasion of their grief.

That numerical day, as chance would have it, came an old fat ruddy catchpole.

He was sure that they had not soured on him because he was a state catchpole.

Mr. Catchpole, this assumes a very—I may say—painful aspect.

You can tell Mr. Catchpole his master wishes to see him here.

I do not blame her so much, though, as I do that wretch of a Catchpole.

At this instant the door was opened, and young Edward Catchpole entered.