Cats [noun]

Definition of Cats:

feline animal, sometimes a pet

Synonyms of Cats:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cats:


Sentence/Example of Cats:

Why, the skule committy are goin' to hold a meetin' up here to say whether they'll move the skule house or the cats.

"No," said the Twins, "but there are no cats in the Milky Way," and they pulled the cat's tail thoughtfully.

On crossing it for the first time, I perceived lying about me half putrid cats and dogs—and even a mule in the same state.

The cats are considered important members of- 23 - nearly every family in the Quarter.

Girls are just like cats; they all like to mope around the register or the steam radiator in cold weather.

Cats abound in Baudelaire's verse, as dogs in the pictures of Paul Veronese, and form there a kind of signature.

The cheetah, the tiger, and even the wild cats who live by killing, leave no trace behind.

They mewed like cats at the approach of the patrol, and crowed like cocks when a likely victim approached.

Being a pronounced fministe, she—like her sisters of to-day—cultivated cats.

The tiger hid his face between his paws; the wild cats curled up, hiding their faces.