Causality [noun]

Definition of Causality:

cause, basis

Synonyms of Causality:

Opposite/Antonyms of Causality:

Sentence/Example of Causality:

Causality there remains an empty name without promise of a real explanation.

Their existence is therefore due to the divine causality, which never changes.

This innate need for explanation is then usually associated with an alleged a priori principle of causality inherent in the mind.

If we would speak of causality at all on his level of experience, we may say only that he is governed by the causality of magic.

Scientific reasoning and scientific observation can only hold good so long and in so far as the Law of Causality holds good.

It is of great consequence to our thinking when we come to recognize fully the idea of causality.

It is only because our minds are in a world of causality, and subject to its laws, that education is possible.

The notion of causality puts new meaning into our view of the training of a child.

Not only does the law of causality hold true in the case of our bodies, but of our minds as well.

But such a correct rendering is no more than the thorough-going use of the principle of causality.