Centrum [noun]
Definition of Centrum:
middle point
Synonyms of Centrum:
● Heart
● Place
● Hub
● Kernel
● Essence
● Focus
● Seat
● Pivot
● Midst
● Axis
● Interior
● Core
● Gist
● Midpoint
● Nucleus
● Marrow
● Inside
● Pith
● Quick
● Root
● Nave
● Omphalos
● Polestar
● Hotbed
● Cynosure
● Navel
Sentence/Example of Centrum:
Impotentia psychica ea est quae ex coercitatione inhibente cerebri in centrum genito-spinale exercitata devenit.
Its body, the pars perpendicularis (mesethmoid) shows no similarity with a vertebral centrum.
These fibre constitute by far the greater part of the white centrum oval of the hemisphere.
A similar pair of processes arising from the ventral surface of the centrum form the ventral or haemal arch.
Each centrum is a short cylinder of cartilage surrounding an hourglass-shaped cavity occupied by the notochord.
In most living Elasmobranchs the arches meet laterally round the centrum.
The superficial portion of the centrum is ossified, while the articular surfaces are cartilaginous.
Projecting forwards from the centrum is a minute process better developed in the Newt.
The centrum of the first is flat in front and is ankylosed to the second sacral; behind it is convex.
The neural spine arises only from the anterior half of the centrum, and is not fused to the carapace.