Changes [noun]

Definition of Changes:

something made different; alteration

Opposite/Antonyms of Changes:

Sentence/Example of Changes:

The pernicious smoke now blanketing the splendid cities of our nation's Western spine is a reminder that no one is exempt from climate change.

A previous version of this story incorrectly stated this was a coronavirus-related change.

Most Americans agree with the argument that problems such as climate change and pandemics are so large and complex that only through cooperative efforts can they be dealt with adequately.

Gostin said he doesn’t think the rising and falling nature of virus transmission changes that.

The changes in Wisconsin are more modest but still important.

He has also been a leading proponent of denying that human-induced climate change even exists.

The next morning, in a long interview with “Fox and Friends,” the president suggested that the lack of forest fires in wetter climates, like Austria's, suggested that climate change was not making fires any worse.

At the outset, it’s not to say change isn’t afoot at these agencies.

A summer of protests ignited calls for change from the street to the boardroom, prompting brands to examine their values and voices, their processes and policies.

I take the Extream Bells, and set down the six Changes on them thus.