Chanter [noun]

Definition of Chanter:

person who can carry a tune

Synonyms of Chanter:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chanter:


Sentence/Example of Chanter:

Toute la nuit ce ne fust que haranguer, chanter, danser; car telle est la vie de toutes ces gens lorsqu'ils sont en troupe.

When the coals were extinguished and taken out, the chanter said to the women, ka (now), whereat they arose and left the lodge.

The work was all done in less than an hour, during which time the chanter ceased not for an instant his song and rattle.

About eight oclock the sick woman entered the medicine lodge, followed by the chanter.

These stories, often tragic, always sad, have given Youshkevich the name of "chanter of human suffering."

In one instance, the head of Luther is represented as the Devil's Bagpipe; he blows into his ear, and uses his nose as a chanter.

The Emperor took his accustomed seat at the chanter's desk among the sumptuously dressed choristers.

"I desire to offer my services as a volunteer, Captain Chanter," said Christy, saluting the commander.

Ben Dollard frowned and, making suddenly a chanter's mouth, gave forth a deep note.

They all have 'drones,' which sound a particular note or notes continually, while the tune is played on the 'chanter.'