Chaster [adjective]

Definition of Chaster:

pure, incorrupt

Opposite/Antonyms of Chaster:

Sentence/Example of Chaster:

As we see the marriage market unfold in all its patriarchal glory, Whistledown tells us that the “titled, chaste and innocent” daughters of the Ton have been preparing for marriage “since birth.”

She may be as chaste as unsunned snow, she is certainly as cold: but for warm, inspiring virtue!

She sunk into Mr. Bumbles arms; and that gentleman, in his agitation, imprinted a passionate kiss upon her chaste nose.

The elegant roof was supported on three rows of red sandstone pillars, adorned with chaste gilding and stucco-work.

Then, he could actually use a sextant, and his way of working out his latitude was chaste and picturesque.

Mr. Forten is a gentleman of fine education, a pure, chaste poet, and attends to farming for the love of nature.

Those who lead a chaste life receive the Divine Spirit, are happy in this life, and will receive a special crown in heaven.

There are no entirely pure sentiments except in perfectly chaste women.

Ile dye first.Farewell, continue merry, and high HeauenKeepe your wife chaste.

This was promptly given up as regards women in the policy of discriminating between chaste and unchaste.