Cheaters [noun]
Definition of Cheaters:
Opposite/Antonyms of Cheaters:
Sentence/Example of Cheaters:
By way of punishment, the league — sending a clear message to would-be cheaters — rules that all players involved in the scheme will continue to play baseball in exchange for enormous amounts of money.
For you were always a cheater and a schemer, grabbing every earthly thing for your own profit.
Yen Sin shook a weary protest at the cheater wasting the precious moments with words.
The asinine confidence of the immense majority no more diminishes the crime than the foolishness of the dupe excuses the cheater.
It shall not need; here's your son Cheater without, has cards in his pocket.
If it hurts him he is a cheater; if it doesn't hurt him always remember that you are a lady.
It was the price of blood, and was hardly in his hands ere it was turned into the fraudulent coin of “the cheater!”
The wind-cheater is the ball which is produced with a large amount of back-spin.
It was Corentin the Gibbet-cheater, become chief of the vagabonds.
Vile Cozener, Cheater and Dissembler, now indeed we both are caught.