chimerical [adjective]

Definition of chimerical:

  • Existing only as the product of unchecked imagination; fantastically visionary or improbable.
  • Given to fantastic schemes.

Synonyms of chimerical:

Opposite/Antonyms of chimerical:

Sentence/Example of chimerical:

The idea of building a city on the moon seemed chimerical.

His plans to create a flying car were dismissed as chimerical.

She had a chimerical vision of a utopian society.

The novel was filled with chimerical creatures and fantastical adventures.

Investors were wary of his chimerical business proposals.

The artist's chimerical landscapes captured the imagination of all who saw them.

He dismissed her chimerical worries as mere fantasies.

The scientist's chimerical theories were ahead of their time and hard to believe.

The child's chimerical stories about talking animals entertained everyone.

Her chimerical dreams of becoming a pop star seemed unlikely to come true.