Choppers [noun]

Definition of Choppers:

something that chops

Synonyms of Choppers:





Opposite/Antonyms of Choppers:


Sentence/Example of Choppers:

So Chew-chew chopped the roots with a stone chopper and laid them upon hot stones.

No one said anything for several minutes, and then the big chopper once more approached his victim.

There was a burst of laughter; and the assembly broke up when Cassidy hustled the chopper off the field.

Thence he went to the corner and picked up the wood-chopper, and armed with this came back to his seat.

This was a chopper very popular in the camp, and known by the name of Jabe.

The tie chopper then cleared a road through the middle of his strip and "parked" his ties on the road.

May a chopper of wood be a future family man of Dornblatt, where everyone chops his own?

Buy cheap beef and put it through your own meat-chopper, to be quite sure it is perfectly clean.

She would buy a piece off the round, and put it through her own meat-chopper to ensure having it clean.

In their company, he traveled through Russia in every sense of the word, now as a longshoreman, now as a wood-chopper.