Chromosome [noun]

Definition of Chromosome:

deoxyribonucleic acid

Synonyms of Chromosome:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chromosome:


Sentence/Example of Chromosome:

This X chromosome has also the factor for the development of red-eye pigment.

The accessory chromosome has been now observed in most of the great divisions of insects, except, as it happens, Lepidoptera.

Montgomery afterward showed that Henkings nucleolus was an accessory chromosome.

The chromosome situation in Protenor is a somewhat extreme case, inasmuch as one X chromosome is entirely lacking in the male.

On the basis of the chromosome theory the following explanation could be given of this numerical relation.

Morgan has given an ingenious explanation of these deviations on the basis of the chromosome theory of Mendelian heredity.

He assumes that they occur in those cases where the two or more characters are contained in the same chromosome.

In that case the two factors lying in the same chromosome should generally be found together.

On the basis of this suggestion Sutton developed the chromosome theory of the mechanism of Mendelian heredity or segregation.

Suppose the determiner of a certain character (violet colour of flower in the bean) is located in a chromosome A of this species.