Classic [adjective]

Definition of Classic:

characteristic, regular

Synonyms of Classic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Classic:

Sentence/Example of Classic:

Originally, the game had been scrapped because of the Summer Olympics, historically a time when the league does not play the midseason classic.

This year, the move to remote presidential conventions matches the loss of many classic American staples.

When it was first announced that this classic ’90s gem was coming to Netflix this month, it broke the internet and set “Moesha” trending.

It is the oldest long-distance trail in the United States and one of the classics for attempting a fastest known time.

And, in the wake of the film’s success, a revival of even more Nollywood classics is on the cards over the next 18 months.

The tranquil neighborhood has expansive lawns, a dramatic neo-classic pavilion, and shady jogging trails.

Offering free shipping when a customer hits a minimum purchase amount is a classic tactic you can take.

She knew about the Rechtschaffen experiments — “real classics” — and that there had been few follow-ups.

You know, that’s the classic model, psychosocial model that you just described.

Disney’s classic princess movies, which some critics see as promoting outdated role models, are being updated to reflect more modern sensibilities.