Cleanser [noun]

Definition of Cleanser:

strong disinfectant, solvent

Synonyms of Cleanser:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cleanser:


Sentence/Example of Cleanser:

Water, brush and rags and every available cleanser used until they would pass.

A third ant approaches and joins in the friendly task, but soon abandons the field to the original cleanser.

For removing the ink on the thumb or finger a towel and alcohol cleanser are sufficient.

Only a pint of solution is needed for this purpose, following the act a larger douche is used as a cleanser.

For a slight clean cut or scratch, a good cleanser is pure water.

Wash irons frequently, and rub with sand soap, Dutch cleanser, ashes or salt to polish them.

But he extolled the superiority of mental therapy, and often repeated: "Wisdom is the greatest cleanser."

On the side of his plate was a large lump of very bitter neem leaves, a notable blood cleanser.

Borax is useful in any case, as it is a splendid cleanser and a very useful chemical in the tannery.

The Cleanser will greatly stimulate the health and spirits of any woman who uses it.