Coffers [noun]

Definition of Coffers:

large box

Synonyms of Coffers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coffers:


Sentence/Example of Coffers:

Railway expectations ran high; immense traffic receipts, sorely needed, ought to have swelled the coffers of the companies.

The grateful cowmen should throw at least another five thousand into ye editor's coffers.

Before these marvels, where shone all the gold of his coffers, the Nabob had a sudden feeling of admiration and of pride.

We must allow that the saddles were not paid for, and that the coffers were empty, but still it made a magnificent effect.

Three coffers whose depth is not known: the coffers of a chieftain, of the Church, of a privileged poet.

Of his own gold he was liberal, but he respected the coffers of his creditors.

How many girls and boys are sacrificed yearly to fill the saloonkeepers' coffers and fill up hell?

People came out with chairs or coffers on their heads, bearing them away quickly lest their claim should be disputed.

Cond and Coligny set the example by giving up their plate to replenish the empty coffers of the army.

Millions roll into their coffers while they sleep, and they are oppressed by the burden of responsibilities.