Cognition [noun]

Definition of Cognition:


Synonyms of Cognition:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cognition:

Sentence/Example of Cognition:

If an AI system can excel here, it will have matched an important dimension of human cognition.

You write that language is endlessly creative but also our cognition is constrained by the structure of language.

This finding seems to sit nicely with the more socially oriented idea of “cultural cognition,” touted by Yale law and psychology scholar Dan Kahan.

Human cognition is inseparable from the unconscious emotional responses that go with it.

“Mushroom bodies are mostly responsible for learning and cognition,” Gill explains.

The free play of the faculty of cognition which had been determined by Kant is also developed by Schiller.

He brings another argument to prove that Cognition is not the same as true opinion.

Both opinion, and cognition, consist in comparisons and computations made by the mind about the facts of sense.

Second definition given by Theætêtus — That Cognition consists in right or true opinion.

If the man catches what is really a non-cognition, he will not suppose it to be such, but to be a cognition.