Coldest [adjective]

Definition of Coldest:

chilly, freezing

Synonyms of Coldest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coldest:

Sentence/Example of Coldest:

Hilsea Green we used to reckon the coldest spot between Portsmouth and London.

It is one of those events that excites sympathy in the hardest, and commiseration in the coldest.

Love begins with love; and the warmest friendship cannot change even to the coldest love.

A farm of five hundred acres was secured within a week, the bleakest, coldest spot ever swept by ocean breezes anywhere.

She held out her hand, and he could not pretend that he did not know her, but he gave her greeting of the coldest.

The winter of 1942-43 was one of the coldest ever known here.

A gray dawn was breaking, and this is the coldest and bleakest hour of the day.

But nothing he could say could add to Wade's fury, already at its coldest, most deadly point.

It was the wildest and coldest season of the year, and the vessels in which the attempt was to be made were mere cockle-shells.

Sending one of his officers to this chief with terms of peace, his advances were received with the coldest disdain.