Colorlessnesses [noun]

Definition of Colorlessnesses:

boredom; sameness

Opposite/Antonyms of Colorlessnesses:

Sentence/Example of Colorlessnesses:

The one thing that has struck me all along in the men who have had to do with it is their complete colorlessness philosophically.

Her gaze did not wander, but before his wondering eyes she seemed to fade, fade toward colorlessness insignificance.

She looked very beautiful in her unconfined gown, the red tone heightening the creamy colorlessness of her face.

She was clothed in velvet, which gave to her cheek and brow the colorlessness of marble.

She was a drab woman, with a colorlessness of face that seemed to match the colorlessness of her clothing.

The result was a colorlessness of manner which did great injustice to the gentle and delicate soul behind.

Indifference does not secure impartiality; it results mostly in colorlessness.

The metaphysics has been attenuated to something approaching in colorlessness the naturalist's conception of natural law.

In truth, Judith had realized rather more startlingly than usual the bareness and colorlessness of her life.

In our fondness for smoothness and gradation we have attained practical colorlessness.