Communistic [adjective]

Definition of Communistic:

generally known; held in common

Synonyms of Communistic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Communistic:

Sentence/Example of Communistic:

The communistic principle worked well, at least in the first years, in spite of the severity of the religious discipline.

That aristocracy and acquisition of separate property are steps in advance on communistic savagery all history declares.

It was a "communistic despotism," a community with a despot and a ruling class superimposed upon its socialism.

A communistic habitation forces the members of a family to conform insensibly to communistic modes of thought.

Pantagamy, pan-tag′a-mi, n. a system of communistic marriage, once practised in the Oneida community.

We are all familiar with the ordinary advantages of the communistic transformation of the general environment.

There is no fear that the Communistic communes will isolate themselves.

The story of the Harmonists, one of the most successful of all the communistic colonies is even more interesting.

The Shakers are the oldest and the largest communistic sect to find a congenial home in America.

There were two groups of economic communistic experiments, similar in their general characteristics but differing in their origin.