Coney [noun]

Definition of Coney:

rabbitlike animal

Synonyms of Coney:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coney:


Sentence/Example of Coney:

In a way of speaking, this mendicant of Coney Island was perhaps of this class.

We ought to have made absolutely sure that we had stepped it right that day we got through Coney Island Creek.

To reach Coney Island from Gravesend at this time, it was necessary to ford the creek at low tide.

It makes me weep to think how we fleeced—I mean entertained—those Coney Islanders.

You can just believe a Coney Island audience doesn't fancy being held up or swindled.

It makes Crusoe's island look like Coney on a warm Sunday afternoon in comparison.'

I cot this coney fair and square in th' open, but it be hard to make Queensmead believe it.

There was a long period of neglect before Fashion and the populace found out the attractions of Coney Island.

It lived just twenty-six days after its arrival at Coney Island.

In 1877 I had charge of their branch aquarium at Coney Island.