confabulate [verb]

Definition of confabulate:

  • To talk informally; to chat or converse casually.
  • (In psychology) To fabricate imaginary experiences as compensation for a loss of memory.

Synonyms of confabulate:

Opposite/Antonyms of confabulate:

Sentence/Example of confabulate:

The two old friends loved to confabulate over a cup of coffee.

We often confabulate about our childhood memories during family gatherings.

She likes to confabulate with her neighbors on the weekends.

The students confabulated in the hallway between classes.

At the reunion, everyone was eager to confabulate and catch up on each other’s lives.

He tends to confabulate when he’s nervous, creating stories to fill the silence.

They confabulated about their plans for the summer vacation.

She was confabulating with her colleagues about the new project.

The therapist noted that the patient would often confabulate details about his past.

The journalists confabulated over the latest political developments.

During the hike, the group would confabulate about various topics to pass the time.

They spent the evening confabulating by the fireplace.

He has a habit of confabulating, often blending truth with fiction in his stories.

The children confabulated about their favorite games and TV shows.

She found it refreshing to confabulate with someone who shared her interests.