Consciences [noun]

Definition of Consciences:

moral sense

Synonyms of Consciences:

Opposite/Antonyms of Consciences:

Sentence/Example of Consciences:

So I question how anyone with a brain, a conscience, empathy or decency would even consider voting for this megalomaniac who is single-handedly destroying our democracy and turning us into the next Belarus.

She transfixed the nation as a member of the House Impeachment Committee, for many, the voice of the conscience of our nation.

She reached forward to it in ecstasy; but she might not enjoy it, save at the price which her conscience exacted.

In this way it will be managed with less offense and with more ease to the conscience than now.

My conscience importuned me to tell her bluntly that they would only come into Walsh feet first.

That he might lose his head and 'introduce an element of sex' was conscience confessing that it had been already introduced.

But the conscience of Louis was at rest; and he soon found that "man does not live by bread alone!"

I began to fear I should have that unlucky expedition of ours on my conscience for the rest of my days.

Besides, he had not the conscience to seek him, and he had not been able to meet the Bishop in the free atmosphere as before.

I cannot afford to keep a conscience any more than a carriage,' was worthy of Erasmus, perhaps of Robelais.