Consciously [adverb]

Definition of Consciously:

done of one's own free will

Opposite/Antonyms of Consciously:


Sentence/Example of Consciously:

As such, Democrats need to consciously strategize to appeal to voters who do not naturally agree with them.

I made that decision consciously, and I would make it again.

Rather, it means shifting your emotional spectrum—away from unhealthy emotions like anger and toward the mindful embracing of healthy ones like joy—by working on consciously altering the way you think about yourself and the world.

We called up some experts for tips on how to ride consciously this season.

Nobody consciously decided we wanted to continue to pile onto those unfortunate folks, but we may not have addressed all their needs.

Even if we consciously know we’re safe, our lizard brains can fire signals of panic, whether that’s because you’re actively falling or because you lack confidence in the gear, your belayer, or your ability.

When people started to consciously or unconsciously realize this, then people who still pushed got punished by the system.

No, I don’t think that every time we watch a funny video like these we consciously think about death.

Perhaps you should even seek to consciously match your breathing to some particular multiple of your stride rate, as many training manuals have suggested over the years.

I was staying away from that because I assume that was a sensitive area, but you’re telling me now that you guys consciously uncoupled.