conservative [adjective]

Definition of conservative:

  • Holding traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion. (Adjective)
  • (of clothing or style) traditional; not showy. (Adjective)
  • A person who is averse to change and holds traditional values. (Noun)

Synonyms of conservative:

Opposite/Antonyms of conservative:

Sentence/Example of conservative:

Her conservative views often clashed with her friends' more liberal perspectives.

He wore a conservative suit to the job interview.

The conservative party won the election by a narrow margin.

She prefers a conservative approach to investing her money.

The town is known for its conservative values and traditions.

He has a conservative attitude toward new technology.

Her conservative parents were shocked by her rebellious behavior.

The company's conservative policy helped it survive the economic downturn.

She chose a conservative dress for the formal event.

His conservative nature made him hesitant to take risks.

The conservative judge ruled against the progressive law.

The school's conservative dress code was a topic of debate.

He is a conservative who believes in small government and personal responsibility.

Her conservative approach to fashion keeps her looking timeless and elegant.

The conservative community resisted the new development plans.

He took a conservative stance on environmental issues.

Her conservative upbringing influenced her career choices.

The conservative media outlet often criticizes liberal policies.

He is known for his conservative views on social issues.

The conservative senator opposed the new healthcare reform.