Constructed [verb]

Definition of Constructed:

assemble, build

Synonyms of Constructed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Constructed:

Sentence/Example of Constructed:

What we know of race, not ethnicity or culture, but race in and of itself is that it’s a manmade construct.

It’s a fascinating exploration of how social scientists go about testing a new construct, seeking to learn if and how despair is different than depression and other mental health diagnoses.

This year we also explored mathematicians’ growing familiarity with geometric constructs, examined how computer programs are helping mathematicians with their proofs, and surveyed the current state of mathematics and its problems.

They wrote that “race is a social, not a biological construct,” and that they “are committed to ensuring that racial bias does not affect the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of kidney diseases.”

So I’m very encouraged that people have now gotten used to the fact that, hey, you don’t have to fit into that rigid, traditional corporate construct.

I believe that these are ideal characters constructed from still more ancient legends and traditions.

The large vaults constructed under the Hall in 1875 coat about £4,000.

Before the invention of pneumatic and electro-pneumatic action, organs were almost invariably constructed in a single mass.

Trevithick constructed the first boiler and engine capable of safely and economically using the power of high-pressure steam.

Many organs now constructed have their tonal effects more than doubled through adoption of this principle.