Containers [noun]

Definition of Containers:

holder for physical object

Synonyms of Containers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Containers:


Sentence/Example of Containers:

The milk was mixed and ready in individual containers in the icebox but Kate had told him to be sure and have it warm.

Boxes had been removed from the shelves, containers misplaced and files disturbed.

They flew about a huge stack of lead containers—uranium cells secured for the long trip home.

Someone tampered with the pointer of the instrument and all but drained the gas containers when they wrecked the landing gear.

It is used for concrete forms, sheathing, studding and for dairy containers and packages that must be odorless and tasteless.

Select tips of uniform size and maturity, wash, cut into lengths according to containers to be used.

It consists in thoroughly cooking the food that is to be canned, transferring it to containers, and sealing them immediately.

Therefore, containers of a different nature from those used in canning may be used to store these foods.

The best containers in which they may be placed are those coated with paraffin.

Containers of any kind should be securely tied before storing them permanently.