Correctnesses [noun]

Definition of Correctnesses:


Synonyms of Correctnesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Correctnesses:

Sentence/Example of Correctnesses:

Uploaded code is run in a sandboxed Docker container and its output tested for correctness.

Others have challenged the correctness of their ratings on the basis that the agencies had not discussed them with the country’s representatives.

So, saying that we would have been safer to call it by a different name because of political correctness, I throw that out the window.

The search for those has been intense, as they are taken as the main possible confirmation of the correctness of inflation.

Most times, these are not due to correctness or error from your end.

Judge: Now, Sir, your punishment shall depend on the shortness and correctness of your answers.

He was engaged in the Encyclopedie, and his articles on grammar are drawn up with great precision, correctness and judgment.

Who are you, as you speak our language with such correctness that you might almost be taken for one of our countrymen?

He knew a good deal by memory, and repeated many passages with feeling and correctness.

He was the more convinced of the correctness of this from the fact that the word for trunk or box, in French, is coffre.