Counterpoints [noun]

Definition of Counterpoints:


Synonyms of Counterpoints:

Opposite/Antonyms of Counterpoints:

Sentence/Example of Counterpoints:

Both Fontana and Sowinski say that he went through a complete course of counterpoint and composition.

The warring counterpoint of the two orchestras only added to the lawless excitement of the throng.

He trained Wilhelmine in music, till thorough-bass, counterpoint, and the rest became to her an easy exercise.

On his writing desk I found a few passages from his first lesson in counterpoint.

The earlier obbligato accompaniment gave way to an obbligato style of writing which rested to a greater extent on counterpoint.

This is the explanation of the fact that Seyfried did not include a single exercise in strict simple counterpoint.

He paid Albrechtsberger to teach him counterpoint—not to be the censor and critic of his compositions.

Though colouring may enhance counterpoint, it will not serve as a substitute for it.

The counterpoint may begin on the first, second, or fourth quarter.

Also do the same with the counterpoint continuing at the hold.