Coup [noun]

Definition of Coup:

achievement, often by maneuver

Synonyms of Coup:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coup:

Sentence/Example of Coup:

In Mali, the government’s failure to tackle terrorism was cited by military leaders as one of the reasons behind their coup last month.

SpaceX won a major coup last week after years of effort—a contract to launch about a dozen spacecraft for the US Space Force in the next five years, worth well north of a billion dollars.

The ability to “arithmetize” this kind of statement set the stage for the coup.

Le lendemain matin, un coup de vent l'emporta tout seul dehors de la chaloupe dans les vagues, et jamais depuis, n'est apparu.

My coup-d'œil assured me that it was practicable to give to this feature the character of a projecting under-jaw.

On ne peut arracher tout d'un coup les coutumes & faons de faire inveteres d'un peuple quel que ce soit.

Calm under fire, he possessed a sure and penetrating coup d'œil; he had great experience in war.

Constantinople serait directement menacé par ce coup retentissant.

You have revealed the whole plot, and confounded those who were so cleverly conspiring to effect a sudden and most gigantic coup.

And not a savage had shown himself with the exception of the one who had counted coup at the lick-block.