Cozinesses [noun]

Definition of Cozinesses:

good feeling; ease

Opposite/Antonyms of Cozinesses:

Sentence/Example of Cozinesses:

In September, congressional investigators pointed to a dangerously cozy relationship between the FAA and Boeing.

For Spiced Cherry, specifically, we wanted to re-create not just the taste but the feeling of drinking a Manhattan by the fire at a cozy hotel bar.

The brushed polyester twill is exceptionally soft and cozy, making it warmer than the average riding flannel and a highly effective layer on chilly mornings, but it also wicks sweat well and dries quickly.

That means we’ve been testing road-trip gear, home-cooking devices, and, of course, things that keep us cozy while we work from home.

When ads for warm, cozy clothing popped up on Facebook and Instagram, she couldn’t resist.

While you’re active, the 200-weight Intraknits remain as cool as 125-weight base layers made using traditional technology, but they remain much cozier when you’re not moving.

Involving a more complicated set-up than the heated table, the cozy cabin makes up for it with better protection against the elements.

So bundle up with a cozy sweater, stay outside when you can, and check out a few festivities that will keep you and your family and friends safe and in the fall spirit this season.

Stay warm with these small but mighty space heaters, which will keep you plenty cozy.

Yet, in spite of its coziness, I thought it had a dreary look.