Creativities [noun]

Definition of Creativities:


Synonyms of Creativities:

Opposite/Antonyms of Creativities:

Sentence/Example of Creativities:

Users are much more likely to engage with your posts if you incorporate an element of entertainment or creativity to capture their attention.

They offer a rigorous way to verify that a program works, and arguments about intuition and creativity are less important than finding an efficient way to solve a problem.

The breadth and creativity of the nurses’ innovations illustrate the importance of empowering workers to codesign workplace health and safety processes.

We are resigned to the ponderous structures and convoluted processes that put a brake on speed, a headlock on initiative, and lead boots on creativity.

While art made by algorithms can be unique and impressive, though, there’s one caveat that’s important to keep in mind when we worry about human creativity being rendered obsolete.

Their creativity can help drive your recovery, including your ability to identify new sources of revenue and keep your people employed.

I think we will also see SEO become more accessible to the creators, and more straightforward, without harming the creativity and user experience of the content.

They have challenged the notion of an elusive definition of creativity and put into perspective how professionals can use artificial intelligence to enhance their abilities and produce beyond the known boundaries.

So, in a bid to distract the other anxious kami, Ame-no-Uzume, by virtue of her intrinsic spontaneity and creativity, covered herself in leaves of Sakaki tree.

So, that was actually a really interesting project, because students that were really disengaged from my class — actually, it sort of sparked some creativity in them.