Credulously [adverb]

Definition of Credulously:


Synonyms of Credulously:

Opposite/Antonyms of Credulously:


Sentence/Example of Credulously:

He caught himself in the act of listening to you too credulously—and that seemed to him unmanly and dishonorable.

So you must not accept anything credulously, but try to study and investigate for yourself.

Of the Indian character, much has been written foolishly, and credulously believed.

Is this miracle to be expected, and are we to await credulously its accomplishment?

Arbaces is not one to be credulously trusted: can it be that he hath wronged me to thee?

They despaired too lightly of the actual world, and sought refuge too credulously in an imaginary past.

"You have touched the heart of the matter," he said credulously.

They credulously named it Trinity, expecting to come to the river later.

But let not the reader too credulously suppose her the unprincipled woman she has been described.

Captain Johns, after looking up credulously as usual, wrinkled his brow, and said placidly that the man had seen better days.