Crispins [noun]

Definition of Crispins:

maker of shoes

Synonyms of Crispins:

Opposite/Antonyms of Crispins:


Sentence/Example of Crispins:

The silver jingled in the pocket of the Crispin when his task was completed, and he traveled onward to the next farm.

In order to make it difficult for Crispin to bunt, Grant put one over high and closetoo high and too close.

Heres the head of the list, called a coacher, as Crispin squared himself in the batters box.

Grant worked carefully with this batter, meanwhile holding Crispin as close to first as possible.

Good work, Crispin, gleefully called Baxter, giving the player a slap on the shoulder.

Therefore he turned Crispin into Lacy, a youth of that period.

Note further our old parlementary friend, Crispin-Catiline d'Espréménil.

He shut his eyes: he had been thinking of St. Crispin's, but not in the old way, no longer as within his reach.

This prediction is not verified; the feast of Crispin passes by without any mention of Agincourt.

For a moment Crispin remained standing by the table, and in that moment the expression of his face was softened.