Crocheted [adjective]

Definition of Crocheted:


Synonyms of Crocheted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Crocheted:


Sentence/Example of Crocheted:

Yes, crocheted the little bits of bark and string and grass and hair into a tiny nest.

Mrs. Woodlock's fashionable niece arrived from Dublin, with a new style of crocheted net.

Continue in shell pattern as given for Crocheted Bonnet until work measures 2½ ins.

Thread ribbon through eyelets, or make a crocheted chain and thread through, making a tassel for each end.

I suppose worsted will do for the crocheted part, and I have some of that.

You could never guess what it is: a black and purple crocheted shoulder shawl!

The room was perfect early Victorian down to the last detail of crocheted anti-macassars on the backs of dull red plush chairs.

My mother crocheted many yards of lace to trim the best sheets, and fine silk coverlets adorned the plump beds.

Then there was a dainty white petticoat, and a set of underwear, all trimmed with a pretty crocheted edge.

There were white curtains at this window, tied back with crocheted bands of white cotton.