Crouched [verb]

Definition of Crouched:

stoop low; cringe

Synonyms of Crouched:

Opposite/Antonyms of Crouched:

Sentence/Example of Crouched:

In their shelter, Brion and Ulv crouched low and wondered why the attack didn't come.

At the word of command, the dog crouched down, his whole body quivering with excitement.

They come to a halt suddenly, before a little huddling figure, with its face hidden in its arms, crouched beside a crooked rail.

One of the gunmen who crouched on the floor of the rear compartment cursed quietly and without interruption for nearly a minute.

She sat crouched up, with her face hidden in her hands, and the instant she was released, hastened back to Norman.

He crouched, nerves and muscles tense, controled in spite of the torturous cloud of scalding vapor that pressed close to him.

A poor old woman sat groaning over the fire, and two children crouched, half-clothed, on the bare floor.

As the animal crouched at Bascomb's feet, his baleful eyes turned in the boy's direction, and he growled menacingly.

A perfect torrent of thoughts assailed Henry as he sat crouched on the office steps.

The latter crouched there, frozen, hanging onto his hat as if it were a hunk of dynamite.