Cubbyhole [noun]

Definition of Cubbyhole:

hiding place

Synonyms of Cubbyhole:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cubbyhole:


Sentence/Example of Cubbyhole:

Back in his cubbyhole downstairs, Walter stared hopelessly at the reports.

At night I slept in a cubbyhole behind a wineshop, paying an inordinate price for that very dubious privilege.

And to-morrow I'm to be installed in the cubbyhole off the dining-room and I defy any one to enter it on peril of their lives.

Bill led me at once past two or three lounging cow persons to the cubbyhole, where arose a typical old timer.

Charles sweltered in his little cubbyhole, but he was enthusiastic and optimistic about his new job.

The shower cabinet was a cubbyhole with handgrips on all four sides and straps into which one could slip his feet.

Murgatroyd the tormal came crawling out of the small cubbyhole which was his own.

The little shirt shop is a cubbyhole about nine feet square, its wooden walls painted a pale, washed-out blue.

Gervaise felt the most pity for Pere Bru in his cubbyhole under the staircase where he hibernated.

But, as Pere Bru had just been found dead in his cubbyhole under the staircase, the landlord had allowed her to turn into it.